Set a monthly 'date night' and stick to it. 每月安排一个“约会夜”,并要坚持下去。
But how does he sleep at night having passed on that offer of a fat guarantee from Deutsche Bank a year and a half ago, choosing to stick with Lehman for his entire career? 一年半以前,他拒绝了德意志银行(DeutscheBank)丰厚的保证合同,选择在雷曼度过整个职业生涯,有了这样的经历,他晚上还怎么睡得着?
Choose 20 to 30 minutes, either in the morning or at night, where you can create a little routine you can stick to. Meditate, write in your journal, read something inspiring, or use this time to focus on your passions. 早上还是晚上都可以,腾20-30分钟做一项自己能够坚持的例行事务,比如冥想、写日记、读励志文字或利用这段时间专注自己的爱好。
They must do a ton of business to be able to support that many stalls, but on a sub-zero November night, there wasnt a big demand for snake on a stick. Plus, I cant get that home though customs. 他们应该要做大量生意才足以支撑那么多摊位,但是在气温为零下的11月夜晚,似乎没有那么多人想要吃穿在小木棍上的蛇肉。
Get plenty of rest each night – set a minimum number of hours that you need and stick with it. 每晚要得到足够的休息&制定你需要休息的最少时间,并充分利用那段时间来休息。
By mistake, he left the drink outside all night& with the stirring stick still in it. 他不小心把这杯饮料放在了外面整整一夜,搅动饮料的小棍也在里面。
In any weather, at any hour of the day or night, I have been anxious to improve the nick of time, and notch it on my stick too; 白天黑夜,任何时候,任何天气,我都渴望过好每一寸光阴,并在手杖上刻下记号;